Magical Connections

Magic can appear when you least expect it

Nicole Lee
3 min readNov 18, 2023

Do you believe in magic? Not the Vegas-style illusions and stage shows, but the magic of the universe. The minuscule gifts that come our way when we aren’t looking. The kind that lifts us up and alters our trajectory in some way. That kind of magic.

Photo by Almos Bechtold on Unsplash

I haven’t always believed.

The older I got, the more closed off I was from the possibility. I always considered myself a realist. Practical and grounded. I believe in science and facts. I am not religious nor particularly spiritual.

But I’ve had enough unexplained experiences in my life to know that sometimes the universe works in mysterious ways. Be it the magic of old friends or the manifestation of something you’ve been dreaming about, magic can appear in many forms. Usually when you aren’t looking.

Take me, for example. Two months ago, I was reeling from a break-up. After years of on-again/off-again, I was finally facing the reality that we just couldn’t work. It was like ripping out a piece of my soul, walking away not only from the man I thought I’d spend the rest of my life with but also from the built-in family whom I loved. Knowing it was the right thing still didn’t make it less painful. I grieved the loss. It still hits me at random times and I can go from happy and optimistic to sad and anxious in the blink of an eye. An ongoing emotional roller coaster.

Knowing that I have a tendency towards depression, I was determined not to let my broken heart break me. Instead of withdrawing from the world and focusing on the ending, I decided to view it as a new beginning and open myself up to possibilities. I resumed therapy. I went on the girls’ trip. I signed up with a personal trainer. I chatted with strangers.

And the magic I had been missing for so long reappeared.

I am writing again. I meditate regularly. I’ve gone to new places and tried new things. Reconnected with old friends and made new ones.

My personal trainer, the one whom I randomly picked out of a long list of options? By our second session, we knew it was a magical connection. Like we were meant to meet. Right here. Right now. That there was a reason why I canceled on her months ago after a knee injury. And then again weeks later when my life was in emotional chaos. Because it wasn’t the right time. I wasn’t the right person.

I believe in magic and the power of human connection.

Sometimes we just have to let go in order to let it in.

I invite you to close your eyes and take a deep breath. Remember the last time you felt magic in your life. Now think about what you can release - either mentally, physically, or emotionally - to let the magic back in.

Because we all need a little magic in our lives.



Nicole Lee
Nicole Lee

Written by Nicole Lee

Former skeptic embracing the healing power of gratitude.

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